Why just rent when you can  

Start your journey toward
homeownership today!

Self Employed?

Self-employed individuals and contractors may have difficulties obtaining a mortgage through the big banks. Let us show you what option you have.

New to Canada?

Banks require established credit to provide you a mortgage. We can help you with your new move by getting you into the house you and your family deserve.

Bad Credit?

Missed payments or accidental charges can impact credit score. Our team can help you raise your credit. Take control of your finances – own your home.

A familiar story for Lower Mainlanders…

Chasing Home Ownership

A never ending quest to catch up

A young married couple, both with great jobs, decided 2 years ago to save for a home in the lower mainland.

Hoping to start a family, the goal was to purchase a small 3 bedroom, 2 bath house somewhere within 40 minutes to downtown Vancouver.

Life happened, and they now have a child, a car loan, and a dog. The 5% they were budgeting 2 years ago is now worth only 1% of the home they want, and it feels like renting is the only option unless they choose to leave this city, or stay where they’ve always been.


Just a few of our benefits

Stop catching up with prices

Know exactly how much your home will be so all that hard work, saving & budgeting will never be wasted for that initial down payment.

Start living like a home owner

Treat the home like it’s yours from the first day you move in – yes, this means pets are welcome!

Improve your credit score

Every person has a unique situation, so each of our clients will receive a customized plan to achieve or maintain a high credit score.

Contact us

We are dedicated to making sure your message gets a timely response,and will typically respond within 48h.